Deer 139
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Deer 139



Research scientist and adventurer-at-heart Samantha (Sam) Dwinnell knows the Wyoming Range mule deer herd as well as anyone. She has spent the last five years on the ground tracking individual animals, how they connect with the landscape, and the way that relationship affects their survival. One study animal, known simply as Deer 139, catches her attention. Collar data reveals that each spring Deer 139 leaves her winter range to cross energy fields and private ranches, swim rivers and traverse razor-edged summits. Where others in her herd stop, Deer 139 pushes onward, crossing one more high mountain pass, dodging wolves and mountain lions, to reach the lush alpine cirque where she gives birth to her fawns. Knowing waypoints on a map only tell part of her story, Sam decides to experience Deer 139’s route firsthand, accompanied by fellow adventurers and friends Anya Tyson and Tennessee Watson. The expedition will test their knowledge, their bonds to the land and reveal a depth to their friendship found only when lugging overloaded packs up steep terrain. Together they hike, slide, paddle, and dance 85 miles across western Wyoming on the trail of Deer 139.


Visit the Official Site!





Project Funders


  • National Geographic Society
  • George B. Storer Foundation
  • Ralph and Louise Haberfeld
  • Knobloch Family Foundation
  • Wyoming Wildlife Foundation
  • Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation
  • Muley Fanatics
  • Wyoming Humanities Council
  • No Man’s Land Film Festival



Industry Support

Big Agnes .  Stio .  Alpacka Raft .  Yostmark Mountain Equipment .  Alpine Start .  Zeal Optics .  Coalition Snow









November 4, 2019


Adventure, Documentary, Wildlife